Kedrup Gatete et les enfants Kimironko, 30 mars 2006
(Kedrup à droite, entouré d’enfants du village de Kimironko.)
Kimironko, un quartier dans la banlieue de Kigali, où habitent plus de 80 «familles recomposées», exclusivement constituée d’orphelins du génocide. Ils étaient pour la plus part mineurs en 1994. Le génocide a laissé plusieurs millions d’enfants orphelins au Rwanda. Ils jouent, ils dansent, ils chantent comme des enfants tout simplement!
Kedrup Gatete and the children Kimironko, March 30th, 2006
(Kedrup to the front right, surrounded by children of the Kimironko village.)
Kimironko is an area in a suburb of Kigali where more than 80 'reconstructed families' live, made up exclusively of orphans of the genocide. They were mostly very young children in 1994. The genocide left several thousand orphaned children in Rwanda. Today they play, they dance, and they sing, just like all children do!
English translation:
Kimironko is an area in a suburb of Kigali where more than 80 'reconstructed families' live, made up exclusively of orphans of the genocide. They were mostly very young children in 1994. The genocide left several thousand orphaned children in Rwanda. Today they play, they dance, and they sing, just like all children do!
Pour info: trouvé sur google: la mission au Rwanda d' "Etudes Sans Frontières" semble travailler à un projet "orphelins de Kimironko": http://www.etudessansfrontieres.org/fr/EsfMissions
FYI: found on Google: the Rwandan mission of "Etudes sans frontières" seems to be working on a project called "orphans of Kimironko": http://www.etudessansfrontieres.org/fr/EsfMissions
Or choose the following link for an automatic translation by Google:
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